
The Product



My Role

Gymnamic is a workout application.

Redesign the app's login
process and its dashboard.

3 Developers

1 UI Designer

UI Design

The main purpose of this project was to structure the login process to describe briefly what Gymnamic does and restructure the application dashboard.

For the login process, I did research to understand how training applications introduce their products at the time you access them for the first time, and then arrived at the following questions:

  • How might we explain a new software to keep in shape?

  • How might we turn the login process better understandable for users?

  • How might we structure the first pages of the application to describe Gymnamic?

I've used these questions to decide how to structure the introduction screens of Gymnamic and clarify on the screens what the application is.

  1. What Gymnamic is and for who they are?

  2. How Gymnamic does it?

  3. How Gymnamic can help users?

  4. See for yourself - Invite to Start

Before starting to ideate screens, I went in a quick meeting with the Project Manager in order to approve the structure above. The idea was to save time and understand if there was a new question to be explained in the login process.

With the login structure approved, we talked about the dashboard structure considering sections and how we could organize it. They already had some screens of an older high-fidelity prototype and told me that should be used as inspiration.

Project Goal


Legacy Design
Final Screens

What did I learn from this project?

  • High-fidelity prototypes can save engineering time.

  • Involve stakeholders from the beginning of the project with meetings and tests helps create situational awareness.

  • Design Sprint book: reading a book related while doing the project can help you a lot in the process of design.